parthian empire in a sentence
- Through this marriage, she became Queen of the Parthian Empire.
- In Persia, the Parthian Empire was succeeded by the Sassanid Empire.
- Some people believe that Bam city was founded during the Parthian Empire.
- The Parthian empire was based near Merv in Khorasan for many years.
- In Asia, a revitalised Parthian Empire renewed its assault.
- The name was used by various rulers of Parthian Empire.
- Pacorus'death threw the Parthian Empire into chaos.
- Around 150 BC, Mesopotamia was under the control of the Parthian Empire.
- The Parthian empire subsisted for five centuries, longer than most Eastern Empires.
- In 53 BC, Crassus launched a Roman invasion of the Parthian Empire.
- It's difficult to see parthian empire in a sentence .
- The Parthian Empire was based on a loosely configured system of vassal kings.
- Persecution of Ebionites led to their dispersion to Arabia and the Parthian Empire.
- The statue depicts a noblemen from the Parthian Empire.
- He was born and raised in the Parthian Empire.
- Nevertheless, Julia accompanied Caracalla in his campaign against the Parthian empire in 217.
- He defeated barbarian tribes in the Marcomannic Wars as well as the Parthian Empire.
- These texts were copied in the Seleucid Empire and in the Parthian Empire also.
- In addition, Rome contended with the Parthian Empire for dominance of the Near East.
- Towards the end of his rule, Caracalla began a campaign against the Parthian Empire.
- This may be in part because Mani was born in the greatly Zoroastrian Parthian Empire.
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